
my name is lisa and i love food.

i'm also self-employed as a project designer and marketing consultant for the craft industry. as you may know, crafting is a fairly sedentary sport, as is consulting by phone or skype.

put eating and crafting and working from home all together and i'm what the doctors like to call "morbidly obese."

pretty ugly term, right? sure doesn't do much to motivate a girl to get healthy and lose some weight.

i like "fat crafty chick" ever so much better, don't you?  i'm fat, i own it, now let's move on.

i've been fat my whole life. i had made my peace with it, i really had. i'd had a great life so far - full of love, laughter, hard work, good health, family, friends. being fat didn't get in my way too much.

but then one day not long ago, i did the math. i realized how much weight i'd been putting on each year, slowly and steadily, until i got to the point of not wanting to wear lace-up shoes, of feeling too close to the airbag in my car, of needing a seat belt extender on the plane. plus my usually normal blood pressure got high enough to require meds.

so the bottom line is... i need to get off my butt and see if i can be a little less fat.

i've tried eating only jenny craig food and counting points on weight watchers, etc. but then it gets old and i always manage to find plenty of new excuses to stop whatever regimen i start.

also i'm a fairly lazy type of short-cut queen - somewhere along the way, i shifted toward more of a freezer-to-microwave life, with a generous soupçon of drive-thru. so now i'm trying to get back to making real food, you know, like by using my stove and oven and chopping board. well, at least part-time.

i do know that it's important to learn how to find healthy foods pleasurable. you can do it with color, ambiance, seasonings, good recipes - and for me, shooting a nice photo and blogging about it helps.

now to tackle that nasty exercise thing...